Our latest trip to the cottage was all business. We were anticipating our first Expedia guest and it seemed to be an ideal inquiry. The guest from Helen, GA was a frequent visitor to the area for fishing expeditions and usually stayed at a local inn.
On this trip, he wanted to try something different because it was an extra special fishing trip with his grandson. The gentleman was bringing his own boat and wanted to be able to clean and secure his boat in the fenced yard.
Kristy and I did nothing but make final preparations for the 48 hours leading up to the guest’s arrival on Saturday afternoon. So much to do!!! Put the new linens on the beds, label all the switches, blow the roof, fix the back door squeak, and of course add some fluff.
Fluff – The Stuff of Memories and Emotions
Fluff is the little bit of extra something that reminds a guest that your place is one-of-a-kind. Lucky for us, Yankeetown Traders recently opened and had exactly what we needed to check the box on unique fluff.
In addition to the 34498 hand towel, we bought a cool map of the nature coast area printed on a pillow. Also from Yankeetown Traders.
Fluff can also be in the form of nostalgic items. Kristy and I like to treasure hunt antique stores, thrift stores, and second-hand stores and troll Facebook Marketplace looking for the perfect item to spark conversation and curiosity.
Inverness Antiques for the Win
On the trip prior we ventured over to the nearby town of Inverness to see the sights and treasure hunt. You might also want to visit Micanopy from Yankeetown if you’re into the day-tripping scene for antiques. Anyway, Inverness did not disappoint thanks to “Old Inverness Antiques”.
Old Inverness Antiques was a surprise. Truly, one of the best curated antique and memorabilia stores we have been in lately. Here are a couple of rarities we picked up for cottage fluffing.
We loved the flip-out spout. It was in incredible condition and although not super rare, we had never come across a “Woodland Jug” before. I can imagine in the early days when Yankeetown was best known as a fishing and hunting destination, the woodland jug would have been a lifesaver in the Florida heat.
I’ve passed up a few of these Oberlin Bait Canteens in the past. I’ve found them in various places coast to coast but usually they are stained, coming apart, or just rough looking overall. This Oberlin bait canteen was about as mint as I have ever found one. Sold!
The fishing rods were bought at an estate sale in Marietta, GA. You never know where you’re going to find the perfect bit of fluff.
Yankeetown General Store
The Yankeetown General Store has been out of business for many years. It was a little store on the lefthand side of C40 on the way to the Bird Creek boat ramp and kayak launch. It was the one-stop shop to get everything you needed for a day on the gulf. Everything from biscuits to bait. I miss this old store as it singlehandedly embodied the “vibe” of Yankeetown.
When Kristy said she wanted to set up a little honor system store in the cottage we both knew we had to call it “Yankeetown General Store”. Amazingly, my mother still had a t-shirt that she had given to my daughter with the store logo on it. We “borrowed” the logo and unofficially re-opened “Yankeetown General Store”. Drinks, snacks, and toiletries… but no biscuits. Yet.
Pause for the Moments
We didn’t spend any time boating, kayaking, or just relaxing this time. It was go, go, go to the finish line. We did get everything checked off on our list with only two hours to spare before our first guest arrived.
We usually have sunshine and fun on our minds when we come to visit Daybook Cottage but this time we were reminded to pause, thanks to the rain, and just take a moment to be for a while. Listening to and watching the rain was such a reward.
A Few Words that Meant Everything
I’ll close with a screen capture of our first official review. A text message of just a few words that meant everything to us after almost two years of work. It’s been aggravating, frustrating, and exhausting. Would we do it again? No doubt!