Days and days and weeks and weeks. We kept searching, scrolling, and antiquing for a mate for the missing window right of the fireplace. From …
The Eyes Have It

The Curiosity of the Coast
Days and days and weeks and weeks. We kept searching, scrolling, and antiquing for a mate for the missing window right of the fireplace. From …
When you visit the nature coast, don’t expect nature to change what it has been doing since alligators were dinosaurs to suit your modern sterilized …
When renovating an old house, any house for that matter, you must draw the line where history begins and ends. The last owner of this …
The coastal town of Yankeetown has a decently recorded history. The most condensed version of this history we have found so far is in a …
It’s hard to imagine what sorts of things went on in this tiny dark corner of the cottage. It wreaked of urine, the floors (and …